Cryogenic crystal detector for direct Dark Matter/neutrino search
Direct dArk matter search using Non-destructive-readout Application Experiment (DANAE)
Direct dArk matter search using Non-destructive-readout Application Experiment (DANAE)
An innovative detector to search for coherent elastic neutrino-nucleus scattering and GeV/sub-GeV Dark Matter interactions
Since the discovery of neutrinos in 1956, experiments have relied on inelastic scattering in large-volume (ton-scale) detectors. The more recently discovered coherent elastic scattering (2017) allows for significantly smaller detector volumes but comes with the challenge of much weaker signal signatures, requiring more advanced detection techniques. The DANAE project aims to advance this field by developing innovative silicon crystal detectors, optimized for operation at cryogenic temperatures, with enhanced sensitivity extending to the direct search for Dark Matter candidate particles
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