Laura Bandiera
I am a senior researcher at the INFN Section of Ferrara, where I obtained my PhD in Physics in 2015.
My expertise lies in the data analysis of crystalline samples developed at INFN Ferrara and tested with particle beams.
Throughout my career, I have coordinated multiple beam tests on channeling phenomena at leading international facilities, including the CERN SPS external lines, the MAMI microtron in Mainz, and the DESY TB facility.
Currently, I am the Principal Investigator of the national INFN project OREO (ORiented Electromagnetic calOrimeter) and the PRIN2022 e+BOOST project. Additionally, I serve as the INFN coordinator for the H2020 RISE N-LIGHT project and the H2020 Pathfinder TECHNO-CLS project. Recently, I also joined the CERN DRD6-Calorimetry board.