Gianfranco Paternò

I am a staff researcher at the INFN division of Ferrara, where I earned my PhD in Physics in 2016.

I have a varied background ranging from solid state physics to medical and accelerator physics.

During my PhD, I acquired significant skills in crystallography and X-ray diffraction, participating in several experiments with synchrotron radiation. I also developed different codes for simulating the interaction of X-rays with crystals of various types and materials. 

After my PhD, I participated in various projects concerning photon sources based on inverse Compton scattering, acquiring an in-depth knowledge of this physics process, its modeling and its potential in various applications.

I have also been involved in various INFN-CSN5 projects, many of which related to computation, such as MC-INFN, GEANT4INFN and next_AIM of which I was the local coordinator.

My main expertise indeed concerns the ability to analyze various types of data and the use of Monte Carlo simulation codes for particle tracking in matter. In particular, I am a member of the international collaboration Geant4 to which I contributed with several physics models and related examples. The most important contributions concern the introduction of interference effects in elastic scattering of photons in amorphous and polycrystalline materials and of coherent interactions of charged particles in crystals.