Crystal Lab Ferrara
Ferrara University and INFN
Exploring the coherent interaction between particles, such as electrons or protons, and crystalline structures offers intriguing insights at the intersection of high-energy particle and solid state phyics, with significant applications.
Crystals can be exploit to guide particle beams at the the Large Hadron Collider at CERN; create innovative gamma-ray and antimatter sources for application in particle accelerators and applied science; develop ultra-compact detectors for high-energy physics and astrophysics, and explore new approaches for direct Dark Matter detection at the Gran Sasso Laboratory.
Our work combines:
Experimental activities in several fully equipped laboratories, including a 130 m² cleanroom.
Frequent beamline testing at international facilities, including CERN (Geneve), DESY (Hamburg), and MAMI (Mainz).
Simulation with the Geant4 simulation toolkit in which we implementated the crystal physics, enhancing its capabilities for particle-matter interaction studies.
Hardware development of cutting-edge particle detectors.
Software development for data analysis of beamtest experiment and international collaboration experiment as NA62 @ CERN.
Join us as we push the boundaries of crystal-based physics and its applications in fundamental science and technology!